Pakpli Vulture Restaurant, central Thailand 2019

New Balance 997.5 For Sale New Balance 997.5 For Sale

Pakpli, Nakhon Nayok province is located on the Indochina (North-east/East) Flyway of near-threatended Himalayan Vultures /Gyps himalayensis/.
Since 2007, tens of HImalayan and Cinereous Vultures have been sighted and some of them had been found emaciated over this region of the country.
Thus feeding station providing diclofenac-free carcass is a proactive approach to sustain this near-threatended winter vultures.

One juvenile HImalayan Vulture was sighted on 20 January 2019 for the first time in the Pakpli area where 2,000+ Black-eared Kites and
30+ Greater Spotted Eagles night roost in Eucalyptus woodland.
Vulture restaurant then, was run to provide food source to the vultures.

This project is cooperations of Pakpli Raptr Conservation Club, Bird-Home group, Thai Raptor Group and Kasetsart University Raptor Research and Conservation Medicine.

Support the restaurant by donations to Pakpli Raptor Conservation Club Bank Account:
K Bank #048-3-61674-0

More info at the Club's Facebook page:


ARTEX DETOX if that's the only way to wear or cop the grails then reps are not bad, it's even a better idea coz it's way cheaper than retail, coz those shoes like TS 1's only retail for $200 and they resell for thousands, that's not good. The rich are becoming richer and the poor stays. It used to be good


bro, about cheap shoes, I suggest you to test Tarmak ones, specially Fast 500, your channel is great